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Using the water supply to deliver fluoride drugs is harmful and unethical. 

We are volunteer Moms, and we are deep in a Federal landmark lawsuit, to end the artificial fluoridation tainting our water supply, which we now know lowers IQ points, and increases ADHD and hypothyroidism in our precious babies and  in our citizens.  We are winning in court and our trial is January, 2024.

We are a national organization that aims to end water fluoridation by using the power of education, science and the law.

We educate that there now is abundant science showing that drinking fluoride can harm health in real ways. 

Americans deserve clear consent about all drugs. Fluoride is a drug and not a nutrient. The body does not need fluoride. 

  • Fluoride is now labeled a developmental neuro toxin.  Our babies' brains are at risk. 
  • Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor: effects on the thyroid, hormones and glucose are concerning.  
  • The National Research Council has stated that the EPA guidlines are not protective.   
  • Dental Fluorosis (mottling) is now approaching 60% for our children. 


To end the addition of toxic fluoridation chemicals to our public water in the USA through the education of families, legislators and government leaders.

MAF is a Plantiff in a landmark lawsuit.  See the "Lawsuit page" for more information.